Announcing... "The Deathbed Vigil and Other Tales" a film by Dave Haynie Approximately 2 hours on VHS tape NTSC only right now (I'll be looking into a PAL conversion) Only $25.00, $5.00 shipping US/Canada, $7.00 shipping elsewhere. SO, WHAT'S THIS ALL ABOUT As some of you know, some may not know, on April 27, Commodore layed off over 66% of its remaining staff in West Chester, include most of Engineering and Engineering Services. That following Friday, April 29, they announced Bankruptcy proceedings had been taken in the Bahamas. I got the inspiration to film some of these last days, certainly the last days of Commodore as we have all known it, no matter whether anything is salvaged by a buyout or not. So I filmed a walkaround of the West Chester facility, the going away party that took place on the 27th, and especially the Deathbed Vigil party. The Deathbed Vigil was organized by Bryce Nesbitt and Randall Jesup, held at Randall's place on April 30th. Although the notice was short, many of the people from the "Golden Years" of West Chester made it back. My film documents this in detail, covering songs (including the "Chicken-Lips Blues", written at the party and performed by Mike Rivers), a number of special events, and many, many stories. I have had lots of requests for this since I filmed it, so I figured I would put out an announcement here. Don't feel compelled to order it, I'm not going to starve even if Commodore closes down. For any big Commodore/Amiga fan, though, it should be lots of fun to put faces to the names you've heard. And for us it was at least something of a catharsis; none of this has been easy to deal with. CAVEATS We're not talking film artestry here. This was filmed with my Sony 8mm and minimally edited on my A3000+. I had a few offers of free studio time, but decided that if I couldn't do it on my system, we must have missed on the promise of desktop video. I'm not finished editing just yet, but I can tell you, we haven't. There's no glitz, this is after all a documentary, some of it's as shakey as an AT&T commercial. There are also a few rather raw segments, so don't order this if you're offended by a little harsh language. That's about all I have to say on it. This will be ready by mid-June.